Legal Notice

This is a translation from the French version of the legal notice. In case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the French version shall prevail. The authoritative text is the French version available on the page Mentions légales.

Publisher Identification

The Illustrated Code website (hereinafter "the Site"), accessible at the address, is published by the company Slashtype (hereinafter "the Publisher"), a Simplified Joint Stock Company (SASU) with a capital of 1000 euros, located at 1 RUE DU GUESCLIN, 44000 NANTES, France. It is registered with the Nantes Trade and Companies Register under number 822065686. VAT identification number: FR06822065686.

The Publisher can be contacted at the email address

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The Site may contain hyperlinks providing access to other websites edited and managed by third parties and not by the Publisher. The Publisher cannot be held directly or indirectly responsible in the event that such third-party sites do not comply with legal provisions.

For More Information

For more information, we invite you to consult in particular:

You will find links to this information at the bottom of each page of the Site.